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Transactional Analysis
After reading this series (particularly the emphasis on childlike behaviour) and Meaningness (particularly the stances) I found many similarities with Transactional Analysis (in the concepts resp. of Free Child and the Ego States). Is this intentional/known?
Nobility in isolation?
Thank you about updating these series. I drank them as needingly as I did it a couple of years ago before the update.
I feel your blockage on nobility might be connected to the change of context required to explain and experience nobility. Thus far you’ve focused very much on the individual person and just a little bit on interpersonal relationships in the form of recognizing your shadow elements in the actions of others. Nobility on the other hand can only be explained and experienced in a social context while recognized by others.
e.g. You cannot claim to be noble while sitting on a mountain top, doing nothing, interacting with no-one. You can be recognized as noble when you eat your shadow and drink the sun and the result of these efforts and psychospiritual growth becomes apparent in the way you show up in you personal, professional and social life and relationships.
The monstrous light
I got around reading this part quite late, as I have been busy with Ph.D. stuff, and did not want to read it when too conceptually tired.
Reading you piece, reminds me of a personal practice experience, which I thought I could share for the benefit others.
Until fairly recently, I used to suffer from frequent moments of monstrous anxiety. Noticing that anxiety, I would retreat from it, to not see it, to make it not me. This would naturally lead to depressive mentality, especially as the arising anxiety was very frequent occurrence.
However, after having very consistent meditation practice of the Four Naljors, I could start become aware of that anxiety when it came up in life circumstances. Catching it early on, it was possible just suddenly just look at that terrifying “chaotic storm of bright hot plasma” - as it felt - to allow it to be there without judgement. Suddenly it was not that bad.
What happened next cannot be satisfyingly described, but after a while just letting that energy be there, it would somehow just loosen itself up. The anxiety would vanish, and suddenly there is truckloads of energy for activity which was not experienced like that before.
Anxiety of course might still come some other time, but recently it seem it has been possible to repeat the same process reliably.
Which is nice. Kélpa Zang!